Resources for Writing Testimony

Many advocacy organizations (including ours!) ask their communities to write testimony on certain issues, and for good reason. Taking the time to submit written or spoken testimony that is well-prepared, thought out, and delivered in clear, concise way shows your commitment to the issue at hand, and legislators take that commitment seriously.

Unfortunately, sometimes it’s hard to know what to say or how to say it. To help with this, the CT Early Childhood Alliance has compiled a list of resources for writing testimony on early childhood-related topics. We’ll be adding to this often, so bookmark it and keep checking back! Newest additions are at the top.

Update: February 24, 2025

211 Child Care: Average Cost of Child Care

This is a report of the lowest, highest, and average cost of childcare statewide, broken down by service type. It also contains information about how the information was gathered, and when it was last updated.

Center for American Progress: Understanding the Basics of Child Care in the United States

This report is a wealth of information and resources that will help any advocate get their bearings on a complex and well-documented topic, regardless of their experience level. Covering topics that range from “What is child care?” to “Why does the child care system need robust public investment and a federal solution?” to “Policy solutions: Where do we go from here?” , the Center for American Progress has compiled an impressive amount of background, links to research, and other resources that is sure to meet your needs.

Update: February 14, 2025

The Case for High-Quality Early Care and Education & Wrap-Around Services

This page contains links to various studies that illustrate the lifelong impact of high-quality early care and education on a child, as well as the economic and social benefits for their families and communities.

Office of Early Childhood’s “At a Glance” Report

If you’re looking for facts and figures on early care and education and related services in Connecticut, this is where you’ll find it. The report is broken down by service type and includes programs and services like Head Start and Early Head Start, Home Visiting, information and referrals, workforce development, and more.

CT’s Blue Ribbon Panel Report

This page (accessible on the OEC’s website) details the background and findings of the 2023 Blue Ribbon Panel report, which involved experts and stakeholders in the Early Care and Education community across Connecticut, whose goal was to “develop an equitable, high-quality, and sustainable system that insures that every child has a quality educational foundation that will prepare them to grow, learn, and succeed.”

Book: Parent Nation by Dr. Dana Suskind

In February of 2024, the CT Early Childhood Alliance brought Dr. Dana Suskind and Dr. Pamela Truelove-Walker from the TMW Center for Early Learning & Public Health at the University of Chicago to speak at the Capitol about the importance of early childhood development and its impacts on individuals and communities. “Weaving together the latest science on the developing brain with heart-breaking and relatable stories of families from all walks of life, Dr. Suskind shows that the status quo—scores of parents convinced they should be able to shoulder the enormous responsibility of early childhood care and education on their own—is not only unsustainable, but deeply detrimental to the wellbeing of children, families, and society.” The stories in this book just might inspire you to write about some of your own.


Call for Testimony: Medicaid Coverage for Medically Necessary Diapers